Case Studies

Systematic Futures Strategy Software
  • Combined real-time & historic datasets
  • Sped up time-to-market
  • Improved monitoring & control


The Challenge

Multiple systematic strategies are required to execute Futures on multiple venues. In addition, large sets of historic static data need to be combined with real-time data to efficiently execute tasks. Multiple people in different roles must be informed in real-time via a multitude of systems.

  • Flexibility to develop and change multiple strategies
  • Grant multiple roles with different permissions
  • 24/7 automated alert system via WhatsApp and phone calls
  • 68 Strategies working on 103 SymbolsHard and soft risk limits applied in real-time


Wakett’s Solution

CYBMIND with TIBCO® Streaming sped up time-to-market to integrate multiple venues and manage high-volume execution efficiently. Multiple groups of users now have different powers and abilities to set up systems and stay automatically informed by a highly parametric alert system. CYBMIND allowed a multiple node distribution to scale the systems. This delivered:

  • Flexible development
  • Scalable deployment across multiple redundant nodes
  • 24/7 automated alerts via email, SMS, WhatsApp, & phone calls
  • Aggregated real-time valuation
  • Multiple low latency execution


So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us to see how we can work together for a brighter future for your company.

Convexity Arbitrage Software with DMA trading
  • 6 months saved on development
  • 4 time-zones trading
  • Real-time Machine Learning testing


The Challenge

A systematic strategy is needed that can work across four time zones and with multiple trading time-frames. Its four Exchanges are needed for different protocols, which allows for portfolio and instrument strategies that require valuations in ticks, minutes, hours, and days to be worked on quickly. here’s an added periodic real-time Machine Learning testing.

  • Go live as quickly as possible
  • Monitor portfolio & risk in real-time
  • Run multiple Machine Learning testing every second
  • Manage low liquidity conditions
  • Run periodic portfolio back-testing to monitor live performance


Wakett’s Solution

CYBMIND with TIBCO® Streaming Adapters sped up both the development and the integration of the connection. CYBMIND is designed to run portfolio and instrument strategies with any time frames. Moreover, it allows users to run portfolio back-tests with the same software used to run live trading, giving users the opportunity to make portfolio valuations and capital allocations with intraday risks and limits for a high-leveraged portfolio.


  • Saves 6 months in development
  • Improves consistency between live and back-test results
  • Allows for 24/7 live trading and risk monitoring
  • Comes with fast Machine Learning testing to act in millisecondsManages low liquidity levels automatically


So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us to see how we can work together for a brighter future for your company.
