
Management20 January 2023by Wakett

How Financial Software Developers Can Help You Break From The Disappointing Off-The-Shelf Software Cycle

How often have you used software for a specific purpose and ended up feeling disappointed? Our guess is often enough, as off-the-shelf software cannot possibly meet everyone’s needs efficiently. This is particularly an issue in investment, where the amount of data that needs to be processed is increasing by the day. So, what should you do if you’re an investment manager looking to find the right financial software for your needs? Well, you need to call in financial software developers!


Let’s Start With the Problem…

Users usually start to dislike software when it doesn’t perform according to their expectations. Arguably, the disappointment is never at the same level for all tasks, but it may mean that you have an amount of work added to your plate with each task you assign it. In extreme situations, this can even lead users to completely ditch one software for another. 

There’s obviously nothing wrong with switching, especially if it’s for the better. But in most investment companies, the users of such software are rarely IT people, and opting for one type of software over another can cause both short- and long-term issues. 


The First Step Is to Become Aware of What’s Holding You Back

The reality is that many popular software ‘solutions’ like Excel, which is ubiquitous in the industry, is not as simple to use as first meets the eye, with users requiring different levels of experience and skills to make the most of it. Moreover, the risk to corrupt your data and generate inconsistent results across your different teams is the most common problem noticed in the industry. 

So, where does this leave us?

Our experience in software development has shown us that the first barrier to improving software user experience is habit. This is because, as psychologist and best-selling author Dr Adi Jaffe put it, ‘firing pattern corresponds specifically to the initiation and termination of a learned routine’. In other words, how we react to something depends on how familiar we are with it. 

So, it’s completely understandable that the technicalities that present themselves when changing software may seem scary and boring, because they break away from what we are used to: our habits.


The Right Financial Software Developers Can Be a Major Part of Your Solution

When it comes to new software, breaking the habit is the first step to success because it allows you to understand that change isn’t a bad thing and that now is the right moment to make a change for the better.

In fact, as a company, our process kicks off by understanding your current frustrations and your future aspirations. But instead of getting you to do that by describing your problem to our financial software developers, we tell you to talk to us about how you’d like this software to help you out. 

You can try this out for yourself: just get a piece of paper and write your current situation on the left and where you’d like to be on the right. That will help you determine the best course of action but, of course, you’ll need help along the way.

We offer that help in the form of tailor-made financial software that can be customised to your needs. The best part is that while the quality and modules are the same as those used by larger banks and corporations – our partners are TIBCO®, after all! – the price will not break the bank, just the cycle.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us to find out more.