Teams at financial companies are often tasked with plenty of repetitive and boring jobs, like checking and reconciling bank and broker statements, data inputting, and error checking. These tasks are important to ensure the smooth running of the company and the fact that your clients receive the best service possible, but they don’t have to be so tedious. Instead, you can use finance automation to save your team time and your company money.
Finance automation is the process of getting a computer to do repetitive tasks on your behalf. This can include sourcing and sorting data, creating reports, run calculations and valuations, and much more.
Currently, there are numerous off-the-shelf software brands that offer tools that can help with this, but the reality is that these almost never cover all the repetitive tasks you need taken care of.
A part of why that is that they tend to be designed to do one specific job in a specific way. Another part is that they have to appeal to a wide variety of users and user needs to make them financially viable.
That’s why we recommend finance automation software that is built around your company’s processes, and which gives you the possibility to customise the following factors:
Your financial workload reflects the processing you make for your clients based on your procedure, knowledge, experience, and expertise. In fact, everything from which data we deem important to which tasks we prioritise is a matter of choice based on the information we have at hand.
This is exactly what needs to be imparted to the financial automation system, which has no intuition but can easily and flawlessly follow instructions.
So, with that in mind, what is needed when investing in customisable finance automation software is a team of developers that can turn your unique process and way of working into code that feeds the system.
At this point you may be wondering what the benefits of all this are. Well, they are simple but extremely important to any business.
So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us to discover how we can help you set up a financial automation system!