When your portfolio combines different strategies across multiple time frames, like intraday to daily or longer, efficiency has to be achieved through the use of proper technology. That’s why we have created CYBMIND, our strategy automation software that can help you manage multi-time frame trading quickly, easily, and accurately.
How Can CYBMIND Help You Manage Multi-time frame Trading?
Before the advent of electronic trading, managers would manually rebalance their net position per symbol on a daily basis. But once the shorter-term trading windows came into being, daily recalculations became insufficient as intraday actions may have been required.
Meanwhile, these managers could face many challenges on rebalancing the numbers multiple times a day, especially considering the speed at which these need to be done and the sheer amount of data that needs to be taken into consideration. All this often makes them impossible to ever get it right. In fact, many have been the companies that had issues with their rebalancing processes, costing them money and opportunities in the short- and long-runs.
And that’s exactly where CYBMIND comes in.
CYBMIND is our investment strategy automation software that has been designed to manage multi-time frame trading strategies in real-time, from intraday trading to daily or even for longer trading time frames. It is powered by Event Stream Processing technology, and is capable of handling large volumes of data in real-time.
What’s even better is that multiple strategies, each with different time frames, can be applied to the same symbol, enabling greater efficiency.
What Are the Benefits of Independent Multi-Time Frame Trading?
When your portfolio strategy needs to combine short-term positions with long-term strategies, it’s highly likely that you will hold short-term positions in the opposite direction to your long-term ones. Additionally, if short-term strategies require intraday adjustments, these must be managed independently.
But what are the benefits of doing so?
- Execution: With a real-time intraday strategy, you can achieve better price execution, improving both entry and exit efficiency. This saves you money, but also improves your portfolio performance.
- TCA (Transaction Cost Analysis): Better intraday execution can help reduce your transaction costs, once again making a difference to your bottomline.
- Risk: An intraday strategy enables you to adjust risk more quickly than with a daily time frame, giving the portfolios you work on a better fighting chance for success.
Improve Your Multi-Time Frame Trading Strategy Today
At Wakett, we are dedicated to helping our clients enhance their day-to-day trading performance thanks to a plethora of fully-customisable software solutions that can help you collect data, analyse it, and automate processes. So, get in touch with us to discover how our CYBMIND software can help you achieve greater efficiency.